Epic Learning

Training Login Search:

Category Role Login Password Dept
Ambulatory AMB Providers ambp001 - ambp050 train BSMH AMB TRAINING
Ambulatory MA-Nurse Support Staff ambs001 - ambs050 train BSMH AMB TRAINING
Ambulatory OB Providers obmd01 - obmd20 train BSMH OB PRACTICE
Ambulatory OB Support Staff obrn01 - obrn20 train BSMHMH OB PRACTICE
Ambulatory Kaleidoscope Physicians kmd01 - kmd20 train MH EYE CLINIC
Ambulatory Kaleidoscope Technicians ktech01 - ktech20 train MH EYE CLINIC
Ambulatory Nurse Triage triage01 - triage20 train BSMH MH TRIAGE CENTER
Ambulatory Physical Therapist trnpt01 - trnpt20 train MH AMB THERAPY
Ambulatory Ambulatory Care Coordinator acc01 - acc10 train MMA CARE COORDINATOR
Cardiology Cupid Cardiologist cvmd00 - cvmd20 train SC CARDIOLOGY
Cardiology Cupid Inpatient Echo and Vascular Technologist cvtech00 - cvtech20 train SFD NON-INVASIVE, GVL BON SECOURS VASCULAR SURGERY (AKA BSVS)
Cardiology Cupid Invasive Charge Entry cvinvchgpost00 - cvinvchgpost20 train SFD CARDIAC CATH LAB
Cardiology Cupid Invasive Lab Scheduler cvinvsched00 - cvinvsched20 train SFD CARDIAC CATH LAB
Cardiology Cupid Invasive Lab Staff cvinvrn00 - cvinvrn20 train SFD CARDIAC CATH LAB
Cardiology Cupid Prep / Recovery cvinvrn00 - cvinvrn20 train SFD CARDIAC CATH LAB
Cardiology Cupid Stress Tech / Nurse cvtech00 - cvtech20 train SFD RADIOLOGY NUC MED
Care Coordination Care Transition Coordinator ctc01 - ctc10 train MHA CASE MANAGEMENT
Emergency Department ED Physician edmd142 - edmd157 train MTEZ EMERGENCY DEPT (EST)
Emergency Department ED Nurse edrn142 - edrn157 train MTEZ EMERGENCY DEPT (EST)
Emergency Department ED Tech edtech142 - edtech157 train MTEZ EMERGENCY DEPT (EST)
Emergency Department ED Scribe edscribe142 - edscribe157 train MTEZ EMERGENCY DEPT (EST)
Emergency Department ED Physician edmd126 - edmd141 train MTCZ EMERGENCY DEPT (CST)
Emergency Department ED Nurse edrn126 - edrn141 train MTCZ EMERGENCY DEPT (CST)
Emergency Department ED Tech edtech126 - edtech141 train MTCZ EMERGENCY DEPT (CST)
Emergency Department ED Scribe edscribe126 - edscribe141 train MTCZ EMERGENCY DEPT (CST)
HIM ADT Coding cod00 - 20 train MTEZ HEALTH INFO MNGMT
HIM ADT Coding Physician himmolmd00 - himmolmd20 train MTEZ HEALTH INFO MNGMT
HIM Deficiency Analyst def00 - def20 train MTEZ HEALTH INFO MNGMT
HIM Release of Information (ROI) roi00 - roi20 train MTEZ HEALTH INFO MNGMT
HIM Identity Specialist iden00 - iden20 train MTEZ HEALTH INFO MNGMT
HIM HIM Analyst him00 - him20 train MTEZ HEALTH INFO MNGMT
Home Health Intake Nurse hhi01 - hhi10 train SC HOME HEALTH
Home Health Home Health Scheduler hhs01 - hhs10 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Biller hhb01 - hhb20 train SC HOME HEALTH
Home Health Home Health Liaison hhliaison01 - hhliaison20 train SC HOME HEALTH
Home Health Home Health Supervisor hhbs01 - hhbs20 train SC HOME HEALTH
Home Health Home Health Non Clinical Supervisor hhncsup01 - hhncsup20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Registered Nurse hhrn01 - hhrn20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health LPN hhlpn01 - hhlpn20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Phsycial Therapist hhpt01 - hhpt20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Physical Therapy Assistant hhpta01 - hhpta20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Occupational Therapist hhot01 - hhot20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Occupational Therapy Assistant hhota01 - hhota20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Speech Therapist hhspeech01 - hhspeech20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Medical Social Worker hhmsw01 - hhmsw20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Aide hha01 - hha20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Health Home Health Coder tbhhc01 - tbhhc20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Hospice Hospice Intake Nurse hspci01 - hspci10 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice Scheduler hspcs01 - hspcs10 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Home Hospice Hospice Registered Nurse hspcrn01 - hspcrn20 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice LPN hspclpn01 - hspclpn20 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice Liaison hspcliaison01 - hspcliaison20 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice Medical Social Worker hspcmsw01 - hspcmsw20 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice Bereavement Coordinator hspcbc01 - hspcbc20 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice Chaplain hspccp01 - hspccp15 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice Aide hspca01 - hspca20 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice Wound Care Nurse hspcwound01 - hspcwound20 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Hospice Volunteer Coordinator hspcvolcor01 - hspcvolcor20 train SC OPEN ARMS HOSPICE
Home Hospice Home Hospice Supervisor hhbs01 - hhbs20 train SC HOME HEALTH
Home Hospice Home Hospice Non Clinical Supervisor hhncsup01 - hhncsup20 train SC HOMECARE SCHEDULING
Hospital Billing HB Biller Account hbbiller train MH BILLING OFFICE
Hospital Billing HB Biller Claims hbbiller train MH BILLING OFFICE
Hospital Billing HB Charge Entry hbbiller train MH BILLING OFFICE
Hospital Billing Public Benefits adtfinancial train MHL ADMITTING
Hospital Billing HB Guarantor Payment Poster hbpaypost train MH BILLING OFFICE
Hospital Billing HB Insurance Payment Poster hbpaypost train MH BILLING OFFICE
Hospital Billing HB Core sbo train BSMH SBO BILLING OFFICE
Hospital Billing HB Customer Service hbcs train MH BILLING OFFICE
Hospital Billing HB Insurance Follow-Up hbinsfollow train MH BILLING OFFICE
Inpatient Clinicians Behavioral Health Nurse cdbh000 - cdbh024 train MTEZ BHI
Inpatient Clinicians Behavioral Health Social Worker cdbhsw000 - cdbhsw005 train MTEZ BHI
Inpatient Clinicians Behavioral Health Therapist cdbhth000 - cdbhth004 train MTEZ BHI
Inpatient Clinicians Case Manager cdcm000 - cdcm024 train MTEZ CASE MANAGEMENT
Inpatient Clinicians Social Worker cdsw000 - cdsw024 train MTEZ CASE MANAGEMENT
Inpatient Clinicians Denials Nurse cddenrn01 - cddenrn25 train MTEZ CASE MANAGEMENT
Inpatient Clinicians Dietitian cddt000 - cddt009 train MTEZ DIET NUTRITION
Inpatient Clinicians HOD Nurse cdhod000 - cdhod059 train MTEZ HOD
Inpatient Clinicians NA/HUC cdna000 - cdna039 train MTEZ MED SURG 2
Inpatient Clinicians Nurse cdrn000 - cdrn059 train MTEZ MED SURG 1
Inpatient Clinicians Occupational Therapy cdot001 - cdot019 train MTEZ OT
Inpatient Clinicians Physical Therapy cdpt001 - cdpt019 train MTEZ PHYSICAL THERAPY
Inpatient Clinicians Respiratory Therapy cdrt000 - cdrt029 train MTEZ RESP THERAPY
Inpatient Clinicians Speech Therapy cdsp001 - cdsp019 train MTEZ SPEECH THERAPY
Inpatient Clinicians Spiritual Services cdsc000 - cdsc019 train MTEZ SPIRITUAL SERVICES
Inpatient Clinicians Student Nurse cdsn000 - cdsn009 train MTEZ MED SURG 1
Inpatient Providers Surgeon sur19001 - sur19015 train MTEZ DR GENERAL SURGERY
Inpatient Providers Med Student stu19001 - stu19027 train MTEZ DR INTERNAL MED
Inpatient Providers Radiologist rad19001 - rad19027 train MTEZ DR RADIOLOGY
Inpatient Providers Cardiologist car19001 - car19027 train MTEZ DR CARDIOLOGY
Inpatient Providers Psychiatrist beh19001 - beh19027 train MTEZ DR PSYCHIATRY
Inpatient Providers Inpatient Phys inp19001 - inp19027 train MTEZ DR INTERNAL MED
Inpatient Providers Sleep Tech zzz19000 - zzz19020 train MTEZ SLEEP LAB
Inpatient Providers Non-Radiant Tech tech19000 - tech19020 train MTEZ SLEEP LAB
Inpatient Providers Lab Tech lab19001 - lab19027 train MTEZ LABORATORY
OB (Inpatient) OB Physician stob005 - stob025 train MTEZ DR OB/GYN
OB (Inpatient) OB Nurse strn005 - strn025 train MTEZ LABOR DELIVERY
OB (Inpatient) OB HUC stuc005 - stuc025 train MTEZ LABOR DELIVERY
OB (Inpatient) OB Physician stob000 - stob004 train MTCZ DR OB/GYN
OB (Inpatient) OB Nurse strn000 - strn004 train MTCZ LABOR DELIVERY
OB (Inpatient) OB HUC stuc000 - stuc004 train MTCZ LABOR DELIVERY
Oncology Beacon Provider bcnmd01 - bcnmd30 train MTEZ HEM/ONC Amb
Oncology Beacon Pharmacist bcnpharm01 - bcnpharm30 train MTEZ PHARMACY
Oncology Beacon Inpatient Nurse bcniprn01 - bcniprn30 train MTEZ ONCOLOGY
Oncology Beacon Outpatient Nurse bcnoprn01 - bcnoprn30 train MTEZ OP INFUSION
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning Registrar - Front Desk gcpa01 - gcpa25 train MTEZ ADMITTING
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning ED Registrar gced01 - gced25 train MTEZ EMERGENCY1
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning Bed Planning gcbp00 - gcbp21 train SFD ADMINISTRATION
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning Transport transport01 - transport21 train MTEZ ADMITTING
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning EVS evs00 - evs21 train MTEZ ADMITTING
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning Volunteer gcvol00 - gcvol25 train RSF VOLUNTEER
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning Scheduler gccad01 - gccad99 train MERCY ADMITTING
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning HOD Front Desk - Referrals gccad01 - gccad99 train MTEZ MRI
Patient Access/Scheduling/Bed Planning Template Builder ambfd01 - ambfd21 train EPIC FAMILY PRACTICE
Ambulatory Ambulatory Front Desk trnsched01 - trnsched50 train EPIC FAMILY PRACTICE
Pharmacy Willow Inventory Tech wintech01 - wintech30 train MTEZ PHARMACY
Pharmacy Willow Inventory Pharmacist winpharmd01 - winpharmd30 train MTEZ PHARMACY
Pharmacy Inpatient Pharmacist rxpharm01-rxpharm30 train MTEZ PHARMACY
Pharmacy Inpatient Pharmacy Technician rxtech01-rxtech30 train MTEZ PHARMACY
Professional Billing Charge Entry; Claims; Follow-Up pbbilling train BSMH SBO BILLING OFFICE
Professional Billing Credit and Refunds; Payment Posting pbpaypost train BSMH SBO BILLING OFFICE
Professional Billing PB All Roles mhpb001 train BSMH SBO BILLING OFFICE
Professional Billing PB Core; Customer Service pbcore train BSMH SBO BILLING OFFICE
Professional Billing SBO All Roles sbo train BSMH SBO BILLING OFFICE
Radiology CT Tech radcttech00 - radcttech37 train MTEZ RADIOLOGY
Radiology Breast Imaging Tech radmammotech00 - radmammotech37 train MTEZ RADIOLOGY
Radiology US Tech radustech00 - radustech37 train MTEZ RADIOLOGY
Radiology X-ray Tech radxrtech00 - radxrtech37 train MTEZ RADIOLOGY
Radiology Nuc Med Tech radnmtech00 - radnmtech37 train MTEZ RADIOLOGY
Radiology MRI Tech radmritech00 - radmritech37 train MTEZ RADIOLOGY
Radiology Front Desk radfd00 - radfd37 train MTEZ RADIOLOGY
Radiology IR Nurse radirrn00 - radirrn13 train MTEZ SPECIAL PROCEDURES
Surgery / Anesthesia Surgery Scheduler orsched20 - orsched39 train MTEZ OR
Surgery / Anesthesia Pre-op Nurse pre20 - pre39 train MTEZ PREOP/PHASE 2
Surgery / Anesthesia PAT Nurse pat20 - pat39 train MTEZ PAT
Surgery / Anesthesia Intra-op Nurse circ20 - circ39 train MTEZ OR
Surgery / Anesthesia PACU Nurse pacu20 - pacu39 train MTEZ PACU
Surgery / Anesthesia Phase II Nurse post20 - post39 train MTEZ PREOP/PHASE 2
Surgery / Anesthesia Charge Poster charge20 - charge39 train MTEZ OR
Surgery / Anesthesia OR Resource Manager resmgr20 - resmgr39 train MTEZ OR
Surgery / Anesthesia Endoscopy Nurse endo20 - endo39 train MTEZ ENDO
Surgery / Anesthesia Preference Card Builder pcb20 - pcb39 train MTEZ OR
Surgery / Anesthesia Anesthesia Provider anprov20 - anprov39 train MTEZ DR ANESTHESIA
Surgery / Anesthesia OR Manager ormgr20 - ormgr39 train MTEZ OR
Surgery / Anesthesia CRNA anprov20 - anprov39 train MTEZ DR ANESTHESIA